Classifications and Notes

Variants that use the Important or Ignore flags are often variants that can also be categorized with Classifications and include other information that can be captured in Notes. Ion Reporter™ Software includes an optional setting to add Classifications and Notes that were used in a previous occurrence of a variant automatically to subsequent occurrence of the same variant. Variants in a MyVariants database that include the setting, when reported in a new set of analysis results, automatically add the Classifications and Notes. The analysis workflow that is used for the analysis must be associated with a MyVariants database.

For example, in a MyVariants database, you can ensure that a variant is always is flagged as Important and classified as Benign, and includes a note with other information.

MyVariants Flags, Classifications, and Notes are all stored in the MyVariants database. The preference to add variant Classifications and Notes automatically is disabled by default. For more information, see Automatically add classifications and notes to variants.

IMPORTANT! The latest Classifications and Notes are added to a variant and the MyVariants database when this setting is enabled. If you change the Classifications and Notes in the future, the variants for subsequent analyses reflect those changes.