Analyses table column options

When you open the Analyses table, a default set of columns is included. The table columns are based on various factors, including the samples that are used, the analysis name, the analysis workflow that is used, other analysis attributes, and the analysis workflow and annotation set that is applied when the analysis is launched. You can customize the Analyses table to more easily find analyses of interest, either by the date that the analysis was run, or by sample, analysis workflow, or analysis attributes.

The following columns are included in the Analyses table in Ion Reporter™ Software. Default columns are included for all analyses. You can add other available columns to customize the table.



Default columns—These columns are available by default when you open the Analyses table if no table preferences are applied.

Selection box—Use to select the analysis in the row that contains the selection box. Select one or more analyses to view analysis details, visualize analysis results, or perform other actions on the selected analysis or analyses.

(Checked Out)

Checked out—Indicates that edits to the analysis are in progress. Open the analysis in view-only mode to view analysis results and see the name of the user who is making edits to the analysis.

Analyze role—Indicates that the analysis is shared by a user who has the Analyze role.


Add notes—Use to add a new note to analysis. Analysis notes are time-stamped written notes to capture comments or observations for an analysis that has successfully completed. An analysis can contain multiple notes from different users.


Add/Delete Notes—Use to add a note to analysis, or delete an analysis note.


The name of the analysis.


The name of the sample.


The Ion Reporter™ Software version number of the analysis workflow.


Indicates the human or other genomic or database reference used in the analysis.


The stage of the analysis.


The name of the project. Can be inherited from Torrent Suite™ Software.


The name of the analysis workflow used in the analysis.

Launched On

The date and time that the analysis was launched.


The status of the analysis.

  • Success

  • Aborted

  • Failed

Available columns — These columns can be added to customize the Analyses table.


Analysis is complete for the samples shown in the Analyses table.

  • True

  • False

Analyzed By

The user name of the person who analyzed the data.

Analyzed On

The date of the analysis.


The variant annotations that are added.


The name of the specific barcode in the selected barcode kit.

Biopsy Days

The time point post-fertilization at which the biopsy was taken from an embryo.

Cancer Type

The type of cancer in the sample.

Cell Num

The cell count of the biopsied material.

Chip ID

The identifying number assigned to the chip.

Chip Type

The chip type that was used when preparing the sample, such as Ion 550™ Chip.

Control Sequencing Kit

The control kit that was used when preparing the sample.

Copy Number Baseline

The set of control samples that were used to create a baseline for detecting copy number variants (CNVs).

Couple ID

The identifier of the couple for use with the Reproductive research application.

Device ID

The identifying number of the sequencing instrument.

Embryo ID

The identifying number or name assigned to an embryo.

Filter Chain

The name of filter chain that was applied.

Fusion Panel

The name of fusion panel that was used.


Information about the gender of the sample.

Grouping Type

The grouping type.

  • Single

  • Paired

  • Trio

Hotspots Regions

The name of the hotspots file that was used in Torrent Suite™ Software.

Imported By

The name of the user who imported the sample.

Imported On

The date that the sample was imported.


The name of the sequencer that was used.

Instrument Type

The type of the sequencer, such as Ion GeneStudio™ S5 Sequencer.

IR Uploader Version

The software version number of the IonReporterUploader plugin that was used in Torrent Suite™ Software.

Launched By

The name of the user who launched the analysis.

Library Kit Name

The name of the library kit that was used in the analysis.

Locked Workflow

Indicates whether the analysis workflow used in the analysis is locked. A locked analysis workflow cannot be edited or unlocked. However, it can be copied.

  • True

  • False

Mouse Strain

The strain of the mouse sample.

MyVariants Database

The name of the MyVariants database that was used.

Percentage Cellularity

The percentage of tumor cells in the sample.

Plan Name

The name of the plan that was used in Torrent Suite™ Software.


The name of the plugin or plugins used in the analysis.


The ethnicity indicator for the sample.

Report Generated By

The name of the user who generated the report.

Report Generated On

The date that the report was generated.

Research Application

The research application that applies to the analysis, such as DNA, Aneuploidy, and so on.

Research Category

The research category that applies to the analysis, such as exome, reproductive, oncology, inherited disease, and so on.


The role in a pair or a group of samples, such as mother, father, proband, or unknown.

Run Date

The date of the sequencing run.

Run ID

The identifying number of the sequencing run.

Run Name

The name of the run that was used in Torrent Suite™ Software.

Sample Collection Date

The date that the sample was collected.

Sample ID

(Optional) If you manage samples in an external system (for example, a LIMS), you can enter the identifier from that system in this column.

Sample Preparation Kit

The name of the sample preparation kit used in Torrent Suite™ Software.

Sample Receipt Date

The date that the sample was received.

Sample Transferred

An indication of whether the sample has been transferred to a user in another organization.

  • Transferred—The sample has been transferred to an organization. A sample can be transferred to more than one organization. Click Transfer to see when and to whom the sample was transferred.

  • Available—The sample is available to be transferred.

Sample Type

Information about the relationship between individual samples that are analyzed.

Sequencing Kit Name

The name of the sequencing kit that was used in Torrent Suite™ Software.

Sequencing Run Type

The type of the sequencing run that was used in Torrent Suite™ Software

Tagged for IRU

Indicates whether the analysis workflow used in the analysis is tagged for use with IonReporterUploader plugin.

  • No

  • Yes

Target Regions

The name of the target regions file that was used in Torrent Suite™ Software

Templating Kit Name

The name of the templating kit that was sed in Torrent Suite™ Software.

Torrent Suite Hotspots File

The name of the hotspots file that was used in Torrent Suite™ Software.

Torrent Suite Region File

The name of the target regions file that was used in Torrent Suite™ Software.

Torrent Suite Results Name

The name of the Torrent Suite™ Software run report.

Torrent Suite Version

The version number of the Torrent Suite™ Software that was used for the analysis.

Variant Type Detection

The type of variant cells detected in the analysis.

  • Germline

  • Rare Somatic

  • Somatic

Workflow Revision

The number of the revision of the analysis workflow.