Filter analysis workflows

You can apply filters to the Workflows table to narrow search results, or shorten the list of analysis workflows to make it easier to find the analysis workflows of interest.

  1. In the Workflows tab, click Overview.
  2. Apply the filters.
    • Click a filter to expand the list, then select one or more filters. For example: select Research Application, then select Fusions.

    • Click a filter to expand the list, then click Show All to select all filters in a specific filter category.

    The contents of the Workflows table changes each time that you select a filter or set of filters.

  3. Use the following guidelines to find Ion AmpliSeq™ HD analysis workflow templates or analysis workflows that have been copied:
    • To filter for Ion AmpliSeq™ HD analysis workflow templates, or copy and edited Ion AmpliSeq™ HD analysis workflows that include saved panel files, search for Target > AmpliSeq HD.

    • To filter for tumor Ion AmpliSeq™ HD analysis workflow templates, use a combination of the filters, such as Research Category > Oncology – Solid Tumor, and Target > AmpliSeq HD.

  4. Use the following guidelines to find predefined TagSeq analysis workflows or analysis workflows that have been copied.
    • To filter for all TagSeq analysis workflows, search for Research Application > Oncology – Liquid Biopsy, or search for Target > TagSequencing.

    • To filter for Liquid Biopsy and Tumor TagSeq analysis workflows, but only the Liquid Biopsy Ion AmpliSeq™ HD analysis workflows (copy and edited analysis workflows that include saved Ion AmpliSeq™ HD panel files), search for Research Category > Oncology – Liquid Biopsy.

The filtered list of analysis workflows is returned in the Workflows table.