Edit Analysis Results

You can edit analysis results to capture, save, and share the most relevant interpretations of analysis results. You can then generate reports, download files, and share analyses that contain the edited results. Available options to edit analysis results depend on the user role. See User roles and permissions for more information. You cannot edit an analysis when the Status is running or Report Generated.
  1. In the Analyses tab, click Overview.
  2. There are two ways to edit analysis results in Ion Reporter™ Software:
    • In the Analyses table, click the name of the analysis you would like to edit.

    • Select the checkbox adjacent to the analysis of interest, then click Edit.

    The Analysis Results table opens in edit mode.
  3. Edit the analysis results.

    Note: You can customize the view of the analysis results to display only the variant information that is most relevant to you. For more information, see the following sections:


    More information

    Refine and save the list of variants that is displayed.

    Note: Apply then save the applied filter chain to ensure that the newly saved filter chain persists when you reopen the analysis results.

    Apply a filter chain to analysis results

    Interpret variant results, then categorize the variants with customized- or system-installed classifications.

    Classify variants in analysis results

    Flag important variants, then track them in a database in the software or ignore insignificant variants, such as known false positives.


    Add a written comment or observation to a variant.

    Apply flags, notes, or classifications to variants of interest

  4. When you are satisfied that you have displayed, flagged, and classified the variants of interest to you, lock and publish the analysis results to create the final report. For more information, see Create a final report.

    Note: You must have the Report role to generate final reports. Only one final report for each analysis can be published for later use. After a report has been locked and published, the Analysis Results table for the analysis displays in a view-only mode. You cannot change flags for MyVariants, classifications, or notes that are associated with the analysis results in the view-only mode.