Process controls for TagSeq and Ion AmpliSeq™ HD research panels

For TagSeq and Ion AmpliSeq™ HD panels only, sample QC is also dependent on the expression of the process controls. Depending on the number of process control (PC) assays that are detected to be present in the sample, the sample QC is either qualified as PASS, FAIL, or WARN.

If the number of PC assays present is greater than the value specified by the Minimum Number Of PC Amplicons Required To Pass QC parameter, the sampleQC is PASS.

If the number of PC assays present is less than the value specified by the Minimum Number Of PC Amplicons Required To Pass QC parameter, but greater than the value specified by the Maximum Number Of PC Amplicons Required To Fail QC parameter, the sampleQC is WARN.

If the number of PC assays present is less than the value specified by the Maximum Number Of PC Amplicons Required To Fail QC parameter, the sampleQC is FAIL.