You can view an interactive view of details from a single sample aneuploidy analysis in the Ion Reporter™ Genomic Viewer(IRGV). This visualization provides a view of the genomic data that you can zoom in on
to view individual chromosomal data, and a table of events that were called. You can
adjust the list of events to show only events that were filtered in for the analysis
by the applied filter chain.
Select the
filter and enter ReproSeq to find analyses that used a
analysis workflow, or select a specific analysis workflow filter, such as
ReproSeq No Gender PGS w.1.1.
Select one or more analyses then
The Analysis Visualization
screen opens in the IRGV & Generate Report
Click in a row of the
The IRGV Details screen opens in a new browser
Figure 1. IRGV Details
Analysis Whole
Genome View. Provides a genome-wide perspective of the data.
Metrics above the view are:
Productive Read Count
The sum of mapped reads from a sample that align to the
autosomes and chrX in females or to the autosomes and
chrX + chrY in males. If the CNV finding parameter
Remove Duplicates is set to True, then the
Productive Read Count
metric excludes duplicates. Productive reads are the
specific reads that are used to establish the relative
coverage of tiles across the sample.
Filter Chain The filter chain that was applied
to the analysis.
Click in a row of the
table to open a visualization with the data charts and a table
of the events in a separate tab. Select an option in the table
to see all events, or only events that passed the applied filter
Enter a chromosome coordinate in the
Search field to zoom into chromosome
data, or click on a chromosome in the Karyogram to view its
chromosome coordinate. Zoom in and out of the Karyogram, and
to return to the default chromosome view.
Select a chromosome on the Karyogram to the chromosome
coordinate, narrow the focus of the whole genome view, and
update the IRGV tracks to reflect the selection.
IRGV tracks. Each track updates dynamically as you select data in
the whole genome view or the Karyogram view.
Adjustable ploidy
scale for selected chromosomes or chromosome regions. Change the
track name or track height for the histogram, or hide the track.
See Adjust IRGV BAM tracks for more information.
reference and preferred transcript tracks. Change the BAM track
name, track height, and track color, or collapse, squish or
expand the track. See Adjust IRGV BAM tracks for more information.
Export the
visualization, or change the IRGV preferences. See Set IRGV preferences for more information.