For Oncomine™ fusion analysis workflows, a default analysis configuration file is provided. You
can modify the file to set custom thresholds. For more information, see Analysis configuration file for gene fusion analysis.
In the Workflows tab, click Overview.
In the
table, select the Oncomine™ fusion analysis workflow
that contains the configuration file that you want to edit, then click
> Copy and Edit for predefined analysis workflows, or ActionsEdit for
custom workflows.
Select a Research Application and Sample Group in the Edit workflow bar, then click Next.
Click Parameters in the workflow bar, then select Fusions, then click the Advanced tab and scroll to the Analysis Configuration File section.
to download the default analysis configuration file for the analysis workflow.
The file name is appended with properties.txt.
Save the file to a local directory, then
open the file and make edits to any of the values for the following
Minimum read count
Minimum normalized read count
Make calls
Minimum wild type ratio
Do not report
Maximum read count negative
Minimum molecular count (for use with AmpliSeq HD analyses)
Minimum Imbalance Score, for targets of type RNAExon Tile
Minimum Imbalance P value, for targets of type RNAExon Tile
Minimum average read count for Exon Tiling QC, for targets of type RNAExon Tile
Minimum wild type QC RNAExonVariants
Percent homology
Percent exact matches
Maximum weak amplicons
Minimum number of flanking amplicons for
predicted RNATile breakpoint