Create a custom analysis workflow from an existing analysis workflow

You can copy and edit an existing analysis workflow to save time on analysis in Ion Reporter™ Software. This is the recommended way to create a custom analysis workflow.

We recommend that you start with a predefined analysis workflow or a custom analysis workflow to begin with an optimized set of parameters.

When you create a custom analysis workflow, you can change details such as:

  • variant annotation filters

  • final report settings

  • analysis plugins

  • parameter settings

You can copy predefined analysis workflows and custom analysis workflows from the current software and from previous versions of the software. When you copy analysis workflows from an earlier version of the software, you must use target regions files, hotspots files, and fusion panel files from the same version of the software. You can view the analysis workflow version in the Details pane. For more information, see View analysis workflow details.

  1. In the Workflows tab, click Overview.
  2. In the Workflows table, click the row for the analysis workflow that you want to copy, then click  (Actions) > Copy.

    The workflow bar opens to the Research Application step.

    When you copy an analysis workflow, some settings and fields are defined by the analysis workflow and remain selected.

  3. In the Research Application step, confirm the research application and sample group, then click Next.
  4. In the Reference step, confirm that the required files are selected, then click Next.
  5. In the Annotation step, confirm that one annotation set is selected, then confirm or select a MyVariants database associated with the analysis workflow, then click Next.
  6. In the Filters step, confirm or select a filter chain, then click Next.
  7. In the Copy Number step, confirm or select a copy number baseline, then click Next.
  8. In the Exon Tile Fusion step, for analysis workflows that apply to assays that include RNA Exon Tiling, confirm that the appropriate Exon Tile Fusion Baseline for the analysis workflow is selected, then click Next.
  9. In the Plugins step, confirm or select plugins, then click Next.
  10. In the Final Report step, confirm or select the final report template, then click Next.
  11. In the Parameters step, confirm or edit parameters, then click Next.
  12. In the Confirm step, name the analysis workflow, enter an optional description, then click Confirm and Save Workflow.

To verify that the analysis workflow was copied, click the Workflows tab, then click Overview, and search for the analysis workflow name to confirm that the custom analysis workflow is listed in the Workflows table.