Mutational Signature Prediction report



PDF Report

FileName format is “signature_identification_<analysis_name>_report.pdf”. The PDF report consists of 4 sections:

  1. Header

    • Report Name - "Mutational Signature Prediction Report"

    • Sample Name

    • Analysis Name (If a sample is re-analysed, the Analysis name will change)

  2. Summary

    • Table

      1. Name of enriched signature, from COSMIC

      2. Cosine similarity between sample mutational profile and COSMIC Signature

      3. Signature Description or Aetiology

    • COSMIC Signature Weights—pie chart denoting weights from deconstructSigs. This reflects the strength of the evidence for the match between the data and the Cosmic signature.

  3. Mutation Profiles

  4. Signature Specific Gene Mutations

Profile of Mutational signature of Sample

File name format is “<analysis_name>_normalized_sample_profile.png”. The image is present in the PDF report under “Mutation Profile” section.

Profile of COSMIC signature

File name format is “<analysis_name>_<cosmic_signature>.png”. The image is present in the PDF report under “Mutation Profile” section. One image is generated per enriched COSMIC signature. The output will not be generated if any enriched signature is not found.

deconstructSigs Weights Pie Chart

File name format is “<analysis_name>_signatures_pie.png”. The image is present in the PDF report under “Summary” section. The output will not be generated if any enriched signature is not found.

Trinucleotide distribution of Variants

File name format is “<analysis_name>_contextFile.txt”. It contains frequencies of mutations within each of the 96 trinucleotides.