View interactive taxonomy charts for metagenomics analyses

You can use interactive taxonomy views to browse through metagenomics data.

Note: The Snapshot button does not work on the visualization page for the Metagenomics 16S analysis results in some browsers. You must instead create a PDF of the visualization.

  1. In the Analyses tab, click Overview.

  2. In the Analyses screen, click the name of your metagenomics analysis. You can filter the list to display only metagenomics analyses.

  3. In the results screen for the selected analysis, in the Visualization/Downloads section, click Visualize results by primer or Visualize consensus results to open an interactive taxonomy view.

  4. Click Download results files for all samples to download all results files.

This table describes ways to use the interactive taxonomy views. For more information, see Krona™ documentation at github site.


Your action

Open your analysis data in an interactive taxonomy view

Click the Visualize results by primer link.

Open interactive taxonomy views on your consensus data

Click the Visualize consensus results link.

Download results files for all samples

Click the Download results files for all samples link to download all results files for the metagenomics analysis.

Display percentages for one area of the chart

Click that area of the chart. The percentages for that area are displayed in the top right of the page.

Make that area the new focus of the chart

Click the expand box in the top right of the page.

Return to the previous chart focus

Click the back arrow at the top left of the page. You can complete only one go-back action at a time.

Change the number of circles shown in the chart

Click the minus or plus icons near the Max depth label.

Change the font size

Click the minus or plus icons near the Font size label.

Change the size of the chart

Click the minus or plus icons near the Chart size label.

Show read depth by color

Select the Color by Reads checkbox. A color legend appears in the bottom left. (This example shows a consensus chart.)

Simplify wedges

Select the Collapse checkbox. This selection combines redundant wedges (that contain only another wedge).

Create an image of the pie chart

Click Snapshot.

Clicking this button creates a SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) format image file. See Krona™ documentation at github site for more information about browser support. (For example, in Chrome™ browser, an an SVG file is not created directly. You must save the page as a PDF file.)

Create a sharable link to the chart

Click Link.

Open Krona™ documentation

Click the question mark button. This link opens the Krona™ documentation in a new tab.