Visualize identified variants in an Oncomine™ analysis from a TagSeq analysis workflow
You can view a summary of data about the identified variants, and toggle to other views that provide more details about the same variants in Ion Reporter™ Software.
Under the Analyses tab, click Overview.
Click the column headings to sort the results, or use the available filters to limit the list of analyses.
Select the checkbox adjacent to each analysis of interest; select two or more analyses to visualize a side-by-side comparison of multiple results. Click Visualize.
Note: Alternatively, select the analyses, then click Actions > Visualize next to Selected Analyses.
The Analysis Visualization screen opens to the Variant Matrix tab with a summary of all of the identified SNVs, CNVs, and Fusions (Lung only).
Click a hyperlinked Gene name to be redirected to the HGNC report for that gene.
Example visualization of an Oncomine™ assay used with a TagSeq analysis workflow.
A none detected result indicates that down to the displayed limit of detection (LOD), no variants were observed in the sample within or above the LOD range.
Click SNV/INDEL, CNV, or Fusion (Lung only) to view detailed analysis metrics.
In the SNV/INDEL, CNV, or Fusion detailed view, click the link in the Locus column to view specific variants in the Ion Reporter™ Genomic Viewer (IRGV).
Example analysis results for CNV variants in the Ion Reporter™ Genomic Viewer(IRGV).
The IRGV viewer displays CNVs as ploidy assuming 100% tumor cellularity, whereas we report CNVs as fold difference.