You can add analysis attributes to the Analyses table that you view in Ion Reporter™ Software. If an analysis contains an attribute, columns in the Analyses table show the attribute values. An attribute can be associated with the analysis itself, with samples that are used in the analysis, or with the analysis workflow. Sample attributes can be inherited from Torrent Suite™ Software and include information such as chip type, sequencing run details, and custom attributes.
In the Analyses tab, click Overview.
Click Preferences > Select Columns.
In the Select Columns
dialog box, then select the sample attributes that you want to add to the
Samples table,
or deselect the sample attributes that you want to remove from the table.
The selected attributes are added to the
Analyses table
until you close the table. To save the table with the attributes that you added,
create a preference. For more information, see Create an Analyses table preference.