Download Quality Control (QC) files
You can download files from a Quality Control (QC) report that you open in Ion Reporter™ Software. The Quality Control (QC) file download contains a compressed directory with the following files:
id_QC.pdf: A copy of the QC Report PDF file. The QC report PDF file for a completed analysis contains a high-level summary of QC metrics. For more information, see Quality Control (QC) metrics.
QC/sample_name/AnnotatorActor/variome-stats.csv: A tab-separated file of variants statistics for this sample. These statistics are also listed in the QC report PDF file.
QC/sample_name/StatsActor/amplicons_low_no_coverage_statistics.txt: Coverage statistics by amplicon.
QC/sample_name/StatsActor/analysis_low_no_coverage_statistics.txt : Coverage statistics for the analysis.
QC/sample_name/StatsActor/genes_low_no_coverage_statistics.txt : Coverage statistics by gene.
- In the Analysis tab, click Overview.
Find the analysis of interest, then select the row that lists the analysis to generate a QC report.
Alternatively, you can select the checkbox in the row to generate the QC report.
A view of the QC Report opens.
Click to download the QC Package to Ion Reporter™ Software.
If you use Ion Reporter™ Software on Thermo Fisher™ Connect Platform, open the Home tab, then click Notifications to open the notifications list, then find the analysis of interest and click
(Download) to download the QC package.
If you use Ion Reporter™ Server, download the file through the browser that you use for Ion Reporter™ Software. Then, find the QC package in the folder that is used for downloads.
The downloaded file name is, where id is a system-generated analysis identifier.