Annotation sources and scores

This section provides more detail about select annotation sources.

P-value scores

The P-value represents the probability that the variant call is incorrect. The range is from 0.00001 to 0.99999, with numbers approaching 1 being the least confident (that the call is incorrect), and numbers close to zero being the most confident (that the call is incorrect).

P-values closer to 0.0 represent more confidence that the variant call is correct. P-values closer to 1.0 represent less confidence that the variant call is correct.

The p-value reported by Ion Reporter™ Software is a logarithmic transformation of the Phred quality score value made by the VariantCaller. For example, a VariantCaller quality score of 20 is associated with a p-value of 0.01. A VariantCaller quality score of 30 is associated with a p-value is 0.001.