IRGV & Generate Report tab
You can view visualized analysis results in the IRGV & Generate Report tab.
Analysis Whole Genome View—Provides a genome-wide perspective of the data.
Selected Chromosome bar—To see the variant location on the selected chromosome, click the Whole Genome View image.
Proband Coverage Ratio—Type in the chromosome coordinates, or click the Karyo view to see discrete data for Copy Number calls.
Reference—Lists the genomic reference that is used for the analysis.
Shows annotation source results. To rearrange the annotation source tracks, click
Chart View Options—Toggle between a DNA View or RNA View. Select RNA View for fusion analyses to get a menu to search for individual fusions in the panel.
Sample/Analysis Summary—Sort by Sample number and rearrange the analysis rows on the left.
Search—Enter chromosome coordinates or gene names to find data.
Filter chain—Apply a filter chain and immediately view its results. You cannot save the results of the applied filter chain to the visualization. You can also create a new filter chain. For more information, see Filters and filter chains.
MAPD filter—An analysis sample-wide metric of noise. You can adjust it to determine when a particular sample has met the threshold that was set for the MAPD filter.
IGV/Export—Use multiple export options, including an export to IGV, and access to preferences. For more information, see Visualize variants with IGV and Set IRGV preferences.