Define samples with one or more BAM files
Sequence results from multiple libraries prepared from the same sample or multiple sequencing results from the same library can be combined for increased analytical power. You can also use a single BAM file to define the sample.
Note: Analyses might fail if the BAM files have different values for the SM (Sample Name) key in the RG (Read Group) (@RG) tag when you create single fusion sample from multiple BAM files. The multiple BAM files that are used to define a sample in Ion Reporter™ Software must each have the same Sample Name as is defined in the Read Group tag.
- In the Samples tab, in the Overview screen, click .
The name of your organization is shown on the left of the screen, and sample files for your organization are listed in the table.
- (Optional) Click
Upload BAM, click Select File, then navigate to and select the desired BAM file, then click Open.
- Click VCF above the table to filter for VCF files.
Files that are transferred by the IonReporterUploader plugin in Torrent Suite™ Software appear under data/IRU_Uploads, in time-stamped folders. Demonstration data files appear under the demodata folder.
- To view the files in either the upload directory or the demodata directory, expand the menu on the left that matches the organization name, then expand the data file directory that contains data files of interest.
- Use these steps to select the data files that will be used as samples in the software.
- Click Next.
- In the Attributes step, you can set sample attribute values or add a new attribute and set its value.
Set the value of a pre-existing attribute.
Add an attribute and set its value.
You can create custom sample attributes that can be used for future analyses. For more information, see Create a custom sample attribute.
- Review the samples listed under Samples ready to import!
- If the sample information is correct, click Next.
The sample or samples are now ready for analysis. For more information, see Launch an analysis.