Analysis workflow details

When you select a single analysis workflow that is listed in the Workflows table in Ion Reporter™ Software, you can view information about its components in the Details section. The information that is available depends on the settings in the analysis workflow.

Custom analysis workflows can be edited from the Details section. Predefined analysis workflows cannot be edited. For more information, see Edit a custom analysis workflow.

Analysis workflow detail


Research Application

The research application in use in the analysis workflow.

Workflow name

The name and version of the analysis workflow.


A short description of the analysis workflow.


The version number of Ion Reporter™ Software.


The revision number of the analysis workflow.

Sample Group

The sample group in use in the analysis workflow.

Research Category

The research category selected for the analysis workflow.


The reference selected for the analysis workflow.

Target Regions

The filename of the target regions file used in the analysis workflow.

Variant Type Detection

The variant type detection selected for the analysis workflow.

Hotspot Regions

The filename of the hotspots file used in the analysis workflow.

Fusion Panel

The name and version of the fusion panel.

MSI Baseline File

The filename of the MSI baseline file used in the analysis workflow. This file contains baseline information to account for variations in sample preparation or run conditions to ensure robust MSI detection.

MSI Marker Regions

The filename of the MSI marker regions file used in the analysis workflow. The MSI marker regions file contains information about the genomic position of the MSI markers, and additional information that is used by the MSI detection algorithm.

TMB Filter Chain

The TMB Filter Chain that is used in the analysis workflow.

TMB Calculation Version

The version of the tumor mutational burden algorithm that is available in the analysis workflow is listed. The algorithm version can provide information about how the data was analyzed and can be useful if earlier versions of the software were used, or in the case of troubleshooting.

Sequence Variant Baseline

The filename of the Sequence Variant Baseline file used in the analysis workflow.


The annotations that are used in the analysis workflow.

MyVariants Database

The MyVariants database in use in the analysis workflow.

Filter Chain

The filter chain that is in use for the analysis workflow.

Copy Number

The copy number baseline control in use in the analysis workflow. The copy number baseline identifies the copy number variants (CNVs) in samples.


The name and version number of the plugin or plugins in use in the analysis workflow.

Report Template

The name of the report template used in the analysis workflow.

Modified By

The Ion Reporter™ Software user who modified the analysis workflow.

Modified On

The date and time that the analysis workflow was modified.

Created By

The Ion Reporter™ Software user who created the analysis workflow.

Created On

The date and time that the analysis workflow was created.


Click the View link to open a window to see all of the parameters that are defined for the selected analysis workflow.

Tag for IRU

Indicates whether the analysis workflow is tagged for use with IonReporterUploader plugin.