The 5000Exomes filters can be added to filter chains to detect minor allele frequencies (MAF) for specific population groups in the software. The filters are derived from the 5000Exomes annotation database. The specific filters are:
5000Exomes AfricanAmerican MAF(1)
5000Exomes AfricanAmerican MAF(20161108)
5000Exomes EuropeanAmerican MAF(1)
5000Exomes EuropeanAmerican MAF(20161108)
5000Exomes Global MAF(1)
5000Exomes Global MAF(20161108)
Filter conditions include the ability to set minor allele frequency ranges from 0.0 to 0.5.
In addition, the range boundary values can be included or excluded, and unannotated variants can be included or excluded in filtered analysis results.
The filter returns minor allele frequency results in samples that align with the 5000Exomes minor allele frequency database.