Hide or Unhide variants in Analysis Results list

You can hide or unhide variants that are listed in analysis results in Ion Reporter™ Software. It is useful to hide variants if you do not want to include them in visualizations of the analysis results, in downloads of the results, or in reports that you generate from the results.
  1. Click the Analyses tab to open the list of analyses, then click an analysis of interest.

    The Analysis Results table opens.

  2. To hide variants, select the variants that you want to hide.
  3. Click Selected Variants > Hide . The selected variants are removed from the Analysis Results screen and are listed in the count of Hidden Variants in the Filter Options pane.
  4. To unhide variants, click Hidden Variants in the Filter Options pane, then click Selected Variants > Unhide .
Hidden variants are not visible on the Analysis Results, and are not included in the results files when you download variants, or in visualized results.