Workflow presets

Workflow presets are the components that are used in creating an analysis workflow. You can create custom workflow presets, then later apply the presets to analysis workflows.

The following lists and describes the types of workflow presets that are available or can be created in Ion Reporter™ Software.

Workflow preset type


Annotation Sets

A set of annotation sources to apply to variants for selection in the Annotation step of creating an analysis workflow.

For more information, see Create annotation set workflow presets.

Annotation Source

Annotation sources to apply to variants for selection in the Annotation step of creating an analysis workflow.

For more information, see Create annotation set workflow presets.

Filter Chains

A set of filters to apply to variants for selection in the Filter step of creating an analysis workflow

For more information, see Create a custom filter chain

Copy Number Baselines

A set of control samples that are used to create a baseline for detecting CNVs in single-sample workflows. The baselines are accessible in the Copy Number step when you create an analysis workflow.

For more information, see Create a copy number baseline workflow preset

Sequence Variant Baselines

Used in single sample analysis workflows for removing false positive variants that occur due to a sequencing error.

For more information, see Sequence variant baselines.

Final Report Templates

Final report templates that are accessible for selection in the Final Report step of creating an analysis workflow.

For more information, see Create a final report template workflow preset.

Fusion Panels

The tab-delimited BED file that defines the coordinates of amplicons. Fusion panels are added in the Reference step when you create an analysis workflow that includes fusions.

Target Region Files

Target regions files restrict analysis to only regions specified in the file.

These BED files are accessible for selection in the Reference step of creating an analysis workflow.

For more information, see Upload a target regions BED file workflow preset.

Hotspot Region Files

Hotspot files cause the hotspot positions to be listed in the analysis results, even if a variant is not called at those positions.

These BED files are accessible for selection in the Reference step of creating an analysis workflow.

For more information, see Upload a hotspots BED file workflow preset.